Root Horned Dorsets

Ever since 1984 Kim Root (my dad) and family has been raising purebred Horned Dorset Sheep. As a little girl I was interested in sheep but my dad was on the hunt for a new breed. We visited a farm in Greenville, Ohio owned by Jim and Helen Luster. They were a couple that had been in the Horned Dorset Sheep business for a long time. They talked my dad into selecting Horned Dorsets as our new breed. We bought a few ewes and our story got its start. We are now third generation Horned Dorset breeders.

The Horned Dorset is a breed originating from Britain. It goes all the way back to the 17th century. Horned Dorsets are are great mothers, milkers and have an extended breeding season. Most ewes can be bred two times each year. They are among the very few breeds of sheep that allow for fall lambing. Horned Dorsets were imported to the United States in 1860 to the west coast. This is a dual purpose breed as they are fast growing, efficient and moderate sized. Their wool is of medium grade and used more for carpets and rugs.

The Continental Dorset Club was established in 1998 has been preserving breed standards of Horned Dorsets ever since.