About Kristin

Hello! My name is Kristin and I am your typical mom learning to balance this crazy thing we call life! My husband Bill and I together have four children, in a few short months we will be parents to four teenagers, pray for us. Sam (16), Campbell (14), Jack (13) and Parker (12). I enjoy connecting with my friends and readers through recipes and life adventures both on and off the farm.

On our farm we raise sheep, poultry, rabbits and hay. We also own and operate my husband’s 7th generation family fruit farm Patterson Fruit Farm. We make maple syrup, have pick your own apples, strawberries and peaches, year round farm market/bakery, wedding venue, fall family fun fest and wholesale apple cider to NE Ohio. I enjoy conversations about how our food is raised and take great joy in sharing a little bit about American Agriculture and our crazy life. Come follow along on social or you may just run into me at school pickup, pass me driving a tractor down the road or shopping at the grocery store. It’s a crazy way of life but I can not imagine it any other way.